CAASPP Designated Supports
Recommendations for EL Students (other than LTEL)

Designated supports for the Smarter Balanced assessments are those features that are available for use by any student for whom the need has been indicated by an educator (or team of educators with parent/guardian and student). Scores achieved by students using designated supports will be included for federal accountability purposes. All educators making these decisions should be trained on the process and should be made aware of the range of designated supports available. These supports must be practiced via the interim assessments prior to student being administered the summative assessment. If you'd like to learn more or make any of these designated supports available to your students, please see your site's testing coordinator.

Embedded Designated Supports

Translated test directions (for math items)

All content areas
Description Recommendations for Use Demonstration
Translation of test directions is a language support available prior to beginning the actual test items. Students can see test directions in another language. As an embedded designated support, translated test directions are automatically a part of the stacked translations designated support. Students who have limited English language skills can use the translated directions support. This support should only be used for students who are proficient readers in the other language and not proficient in English.

Translations (glossaries) (for math items)

Math only
Description Recommendations for Use Demonstration
Translated glossaries are a language support. The translated glossaries are provided for selected construct-irrelevant terms for math. Translations for these terms appear on the computer screen when students click on them. Students with the language glossary setting enabled can view the translated glossary. Students can also select the audio icon next to the glossary term and listen to the audio recording of the glossary. Students who have limited English language skills (whether or not designated as ELs or ELs with disabilities) can use the translation glossary for specific items. The use of this support may result in the student needing additional overall time to complete the assessment.

Translations (stacked) (for math items)

Math only
Description Recommendations for Use Demonstration
Stacked translations are a language support. Stacked translations are available for some students; stacked translations provide the full translation of each test item above the original item in English. For students whose primary language is not English and who use dual language supports in the classroom, use of the stacked (dual language) translation may be appropriate. Students participate in the assessment regardless of the language. This support will increase reading load and cognitive load. The use of this support may result in the student needing additional overall time to complete the assessment.

Bilingual dictionary (for ELA) performance task full writes)

Description Recommendations for Use
A bilingual/dual language word-to-word dictionary is a language support. A bilingual/dual language word-to-word dictionary can be provided for the full write portion of an ELA performance task. A full write is the second part of a performance task. For students whose primary language is not English and who use dual language supports in the classroom, use of a bilingual/dual language word-to-word dictionary may be appropriate. Students participate in the assessment regardless of the language. The use of this support may result in the student needing additional overall time to complete the assessment.

Simplified Test Directions

Description Recommendations for Use
The test administrator simplified or paraphrases the test directions found in the test administration manual according to the Simplified Test Directions guidelines. Students who need additional support understanding the test direction may benefit from this resource. This designated support may require testing in a separate setting to avoid distracting other test takers.

Translated test directions

Description Recommendations for Use
PDF of directions translated in each of the languages currently supported. Bilingual adult can read to student. Students who have limited English language skills (whether or not designated as ELs or ELs with disabilities) can use the translated test directions. In addition, a biliterate adult trained in the test administration manual can read the test directions to the student. The use of this support may result in the student needing additional overall time to complete the assessment.

Translations (glossaries) (for math items)

Description Recommendations for Use
Translated glossaries are a language support. Translated glossaries are provided for selected construct-irrelevant terms for math. Glossary terms are listed by item and include the English term and its translated equivalent. Students who have limited English language skills can use the translation glossary for specific items. The use of this support may result in the student needing additional overall time to complete the assessment.