
Applications submitted for the current 2024-2025 school year will be processed within 3-5 business days.
Applications submitted for the upcoming 2025-2026 school year will be processed within 4-6 weeks. 
Open ALL year
Monday - Friday, 7:30am-4:30pm
Tuesday, 8:00am-4:30pm
Last Enrollment at 4:00pm
Summer Hours
Monday-Thursday, 7:00am-5:30pm
Tuesday, 7:45-5:30
Last enrollment at 5:00pm 
circle icon with text overlay that says step 1 and hemet unified logo in background

Review Age Requirements

Transitional Kindergarten (TK): Transitional Kindergarten is a 2 year program. In order to enroll, a child's birth date must fall between:
2024/25 September 2, 2019 – June 2, 2020
2025/26 September 1, 2021
Kindergarten: A child must be 5 years old by September 1 of the year they enter school.
circle log with text overlay that says step two and hemet unified logo in background

Gather Required Documents


Any one of the following items (with picture) is acceptable verification of identity:

    • Current Driver’s License
    • California Identification Card
    • Bank Identification Card
    • Company/Work Identification


Verification of birth date must be provided for TK/K and 1st grade. The following documents qualify as verification:

    • Original Birth Certificate
    • Baptismal Certificate Duly Attested
    • Hospital Birth Record
    • Adoption/Foster Care Records


One form of verification of residency must be provided, that does not exceed 60 days. The following items will serve as verification:

    • Current Mortgage Verification Showing Residence Address
    • Current Utility Bill (electric, gas, water, cell phone)
    • Current Lease or Rental Agreement
    • Final Escrow Papers Showing Current Address
    • Property Tax Bill Showing Current Address             
    • Pay Stub                                 


Proof of the following immunizations must be provided and proper intervals between doses must be observed, or additional immunizations will be required. Minimum immunization requirements are:

    • Polio(OPV/IPV) - 4 Doses (3 doses OK if one was given on or after 4th birthday)
    • Diphtheria Tetanus & Pertussis(DTap, DTP, or DT) - 5 doses (4 doses OK if one was given on or after 4th birthday)
    • Measles or Rubeola, Mumps & Rubella (MMR): 2 doses, both given on or after 1st birthday
    • Hepatitis B: 3 doses
    • Varicella (chicken pox): 2 doses
    • TDap: 1 Dose (Required for 7th-12th Grade Students)



  • Individualized Education Program (IEP), If applicable
  • 504 Plan, if applicable
  • Report Card or Transcripts
  • Court order, if applicable
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Register through Aeries Online Enrollment System

The Aeries Online Enrollment system is where all students (new or returning from another district to HUSD) enroll to attend school.
If you need access to a computer to complete your enrollment, you may visit the Centralized Enrollment Center for assistance. Before making your trip to the Enrollment Center, please make sure you have all of the required documents for enrollment with you.
Text that says "click here to begin Aeries Online Enrollment System" with navy blue background
Hands typing on a keyboard with text overlay that says Independent Study
Enroll in Independent Study/Online Learning!
HUSD offers both 100% virtual online and hybrid Independent Study Learning Models for all K-12 students.
Boy raising his hand with text overlay that says New Hemet Dual Language Academy
Hemet Dual Language Academy
If you are interested in enrolling your Transitional Kindergartener or Kindergartener in the Hemet Dual Language Academy (HDLA) for the 2025-26 school year, please visit the HDLA website to learn more and complete an interest form.