Board Vacancy Filled

Interviews to fill a vacant position on the Governing Board were held on September 19, 2017. The seat became vacant on August 3, 2017, when Trustee Joe Wojcik resigned. The district filed Mr. Wojcik’s resignation with Riverside County Superintendent of Schools on August 3, 2017. By a 4-2 vote, action was taken to provisionally appoint Mr. Robert Allan Davis, Jr. at an open and public meeting on Tuesday, September 19, 2017, at 1:00 p.m. Mr. Davis will serve on the Governing Board to complete the remainder of Mr. Wojcik’s term, which ends December 2018. 

Robert Allan Davis, Jr. will fill the existing vacancy as provided by Education Code Section 5091(a), unless a petition calling for a special election, containing a sufficient number of signatures is filed in the office of County Superintendent of Schools within thirty (30) days of the date of the provisional appointment, it shall become an effective appointment. 
