Diamond Valley Band's Special Performance

The annual Hemet Christmas parade was full of holiday cheer as residents sat along Florida Avenue to watch the various floats and performances. However, a true act of holiday spirit happened on Friday, December 2nd, when Diamond Valley Middle School’s band gave an impromptu performance to a Hemet couple.

On Friday, Diamond Valley’s office clerk received a phone call from a local resident. Larry Denn told the clerk his wife, Sandy, has really been enjoying listening to the band practice for the parade. Larry informed the clerk that Sandy is paralyzed and housebound and unable to attend the parade and therefore will miss their performance. 

Melissa Torres, Diamond Valley’s Band and Orchestra Director, said she was touched by this news and decided to bring the performance to her. Torres reached out to Larry to ask if this was okay. He agreed and said that Sandy would truly appreciate the special performance. 

As the final bell rang for the day, the Diamond Valley Band prepared for their march. Torres and her students marched to the Denn house and began playing for them. Torres said it was an emotional performance, because you could feel their gratitude. The students were thrilled to have performed for the Denn’s and do something special for their community. 

“They made my Christmas so nice,” said Sandy. She said the simple gesture from Torres and her students was so sweet it made her cry. She was also happy that her neighbors were able to enjoy the performance as well. She said many neighbors came outside to enjoy the impromptu concert. 

Thank you Melissa Torres and the Diamond Valley Band for creating a real sense of community during this holiday season!
