Valle Vista's 100 Mile Club

If someone asked you to run 100 miles throughout the year, do you think you could do it? Well, Valle Vista Elementary students have taken this challenge and are determined to run, walk, or a combination of the two, to meet their 100-mile goal.


Students were treated to an exciting assembly to introduce the new club. Kara Lubin, CEO and Founder of the 100 Mile Club, told the students how the club was created, what it has done for some students, and what students can expect. Students were shown the prizes they would receive after completing a milestone. At 25 miles, students will receive a 100 Mile Club T-shirt, at 50 miles they get a golden pencil, at 75 a wristband, and if they reach 100 miles they will receive a gold medal at the end of the year!


Valle Vista students were also the first to hear the new song for the 100 Mile Club. “America Let’s Exercise” was played for students after they made their pledge to run/walk the 100 miles. Mark L. Green, composer of “America Let’s Exercise” said it has been exciting to work with the 100 Mile Club and encourage students to be active and healthy.


Principal Christine Ramirez is excited to bring this club to Valle Vista. This is the fourth school she has brought the 100 Mile Club to. She has witnessed firsthand the benefits students receive from participating in this challenge. She has seen attendance scores go up, confidence levels increase, and the overall culture of a school increase. “Every student should feel success, whether it's academically, through the 100 Mile Club, or through another program we offer. I want our students to feel encouraged as they complete goals they have set for themselves.”

Congratulations Valle Vista students on taking a pledge to run or walk 100 miles this school year! As each student works towards meeting their goal, staff will reiterate Kara Lubin’s advice, “Celebrate every mile!”
