ASPIRE's Inspirational Student

An inspiring student from ASPIRE Community Day School is set to attend a four-year university. Despite setbacks, Aleea Moore has always been determined to attend college and pursue a career she is passionate about.


During her high school years, Aleea has been faced with many challenges. Due to her persistent personality she was given a second chance to graduate high school and continue her journey towards a higher education. Aleea said when she walked onto the ASPIRE campus her first day, she felt that this was her chance to move things around.


Aleea is creating the school’s first newsletter. She is currently working with her photojournalism teacher Mr. Oliver to create a newsletter that students can be proud of. During school and community events, Aleea will walk around and take photos of students and staff to accompany the articles she is writing. She wants to share the amazing events and opportunities students at ASPIRE have. In the newsletter she writes about community service opportunities, students who recently got a job, and events and programs currently available to students on campus.


“Aleea is why I work here,” said ASPIRE’s multimedia and photojournalism teacher, Mr. Oliver. He explained the joy he feels when he is able to see a student thrive. He said it has been amazing watching Aleea find her passion. He tells his students that the key in being successful is to find something you are passionate about.


The Congress of Future Science and Technology Leaders selected Aleea for recognition as a Delegate representing the State of California. This national program honors academically superior high school students interested in pursuing careers in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM). The letter she received stated she was being recognized for her outstanding grades, leadership, and her desire to contribute to the field of science or technology.


Cristian Miley, Principal of ASPIRE, said Aleea is one of their shining stars. He said he is proud of the effort and dedication she has shown to her future as well as being a role model to the other students on campus.


She attributes her success to keeping herself positive and remembering that things will always get better as long as she continues to focus and stay strong. “I have people in my corner telling me I can do it and to keep going. It has inspired me.” Aleea will be a part of the first graduating class from ASPIRE Community Day School.


Congratulations Aleea on the dedication you have shown to your education and your refusal to give up. You have inspired many people and we look forward to seeing what the future holds for you. 

