HUSD is grateful for its Employees of Excellence!

This week, we are honored to highlight Mrs. Jessica Edie, an exceptional second-grade teacher, whose dedication and unwavering support have made a profound impact on her students. Nominated by a grateful parent, Amanda Perera, Mrs. Edie’s story exemplifies the true spirit of excellence.

Mrs. Edie began her journey with Briar Perera in the second grade. Briar, who faced significant challenges due to health issues and missed a lot of instruction, was welcomed with open arms by Mrs. Edie and she immediately became a cornerstone of support and encouragement.

Amanda Perera recounts the struggles Briar faced in Kindergarten and first grade, noting the remarkable efforts of her previous teachers. However, it was in Mrs. Edie’s class that Briar truly began to flourish. With relentless dedication, Mrs. Edie saw the potential in Briar and pushed her to achieve beyond expectations. Under her guidance, Briar made incredible strides, particularly in reading and writing, with her reading test scores soaring by over 200 points.

Mrs. Edie’s role extended far beyond academic instruction. She became a safe place for Briar, understanding her needs, comforting her during anxious moments, and providing a nurturing environment where Briar could thrive. Her commitment is not just to the curriculum but to the holistic development of each child, treating every student with the same level of care and attention.

Amanda Perera’s heartfelt words reflect the profound gratitude and admiration for Mrs. Edie’s contributions: “There is nothing in this world I want more than for my daughter to succeed and feel like she belongs in this world. This woman pours so much effort into not only my child but EVERY CHILD that walks into her classroom. I am that mom that will praise her til the day I die.”

In recognition of her tireless dedication, profound impact on her students, and the love she pours into her work every day, we celebrate Mrs. Jessica Edie as this week’s Employee of Excellence. Thank you, Mrs. Edie, for your extraordinary commitment and for making a lasting difference in the lives of your students. Your passion and dedication are truly inspiring.
