Governing Board Recognition and Award

The Governing Board of the Hemet Unified School District, on nomination by Trustee Stacey Bailey, has selected Ms. Shaun Gudmundson, Office Manager at West Valley High School, as the March recipient of the Governing Board Recognition and Award. 
Shaun epitomizes what it means to be a professional in every sense of the word.  Having been in HUSD for just shy of 20 years (15 of those at West Valley High School) Shaun truly bleeds maroon and gray. As a staff member, she has always been “all in” and when her two boys attended WVHS, she also filled the role of a WVHS parent.
She has held several positions as WVHS including attendance clerk, registrar, and for the last decade she has served as office manager.  
Shaun truly cares about people. She always comes to work with a positive attitude and does everything in her power to help the staff, students, and families of West Valley. She participates and helps organize staff events to help promote culture on campus. She goes above and beyond to help people in making sure WVHS is a fun and happy place to work.
Shaun takes pride in her work and all that she is tasked to do.  She is an inspirational leader who is compassionate, caring, and empathetic.  She leads by example, exhibiting a work ethic like no other. And she does all this while creating relationships that will last beyond her career.  Shaun is an incredible employee and a true example of what it means to be a mustang and HUSD employee.
For outstanding performance, professionalism and loyalty to the Hemet Unified School District, Trustee Stacey Bailey presented Ms. Shaun Gudmundson with the Governing Board Recognition of Excellence Award and a $500 certificate to be used toward the District program of her choice. 
Congratulations Shaun!