HUSD was recently invited to present at the US Department of Education’s 2022 From Recovery to Thriving Summit to highlight some of the outstanding work that HUSD has done to improve student outcomes in the area of literacy and how the American Rescue Plan has been implemented to support students. Dr. Lauren Armijo, HUSD Director of Elementary Education, and Kristen Anderson, Director of Literacy and Intervention, gave an engaging presentation, which was streamed throughout the country, with an overview on what HUSD is doing to accelerate literacy. They discussed the District’s mission to Embrace, Educate, Empower; Every Student, Every Day and the central role it played throughout their planning.
In the Fall of 2021, school districts throughout the country became painfully aware of the growing challenges of learning loss and declining literacy rates amongst students. It was necessary to approach the work of teaching students to read-differently. In partnership with WestEd, the district implemented a new strategy focused on continuous improvement. First, the district established a learning line to help understand the viewpoint of student need which feeds adult need. Then, they created a system map to identify the moving parts within the literacy system. Using the information that was gathered, the district designed and implemented systems that promote best practices, built capacity of teachers and leaders, and that allow for measuring and monitoring student progress.
As the 2021-2022 school year comes to a close, HUSD is excited about the results they are seeing. Through the American Rescue Plan, HUSD has been able to create a new Literacy Department and expand many of its specialized positions, resulting in additional support for students and program sustainability overtime.
For more information on HUSD’s literacy efforts, you may view Dr. Lauren Armijo & Ms. Kristen Anderson’s presentation by clicking here.
Congratulations to Dr. Lauren Armijo and Kristen Anderson on highlighting the wonderful things HUSD is doing in support of student literacy and for representing HUSD with distinction.